Our Solutions
Tetra Products
TETRA is a professional mobile radio and two-way transceiver (walkie-talkie) specification. Formerly known as Trans-European Trunked Radio. TETRA systems are used in both public safety and commercial sectors by organisations that need reliability, capacity and security for their communications. TETRA networks are reliably used worldwide by defence forces, public safety agencies, and critical infrastructure providers for their mission-critical communications. Reliable, secure, and available anytime, anywhere, TETRA offers voice and low-rate data services for all your professional communication requirements

TETRA infrastructures, devices, services and applications are used by many industries, including :
- Public Safety
- Transportation
- Utilities
- Government
- Military
- Commercial & Industry
- Oil & Gas
Bridge’s TETRA solution offers secure, reliable, and efficient communications tailor-made to meet the needs of different markets. Bridge’s Public Safety Bi-Directional Amplifiers (BDA) enhance the coverage area of radio communication in buildings and common RF-protected environments.
TETRA is scalable from small to very large systems to cover from single sites up to international networks. Various frequency ranges within the VHF and UHF bands with the 410-430 MHz band as the standardized range for civil users, and on top of that the radio spectrum allocated to TETRA systems may be divided into three groups:
• Public security units: 380-400 MHz;
• Commercial use: 410-430 MHz and 450-470 MHz;
• Other potential bands: 870-888 MHz and 915-993 MHz
Bridge provides all RF components you need for Tetra Solution including Solutions that support B-Directional Amplifier (BDA), Distributed Antenna System (DAS), In-line Boosters and Fibre DAS solutions to provide reliable public safety in-building or outdoor coverage and access at all times.
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About Bridge
Manufacturer and supplier of high power and passive qualified RF and microwave equipment for signal enhancement infrastructure with factories in Taiwan producing high-quality products.
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Phone: +886-4-23832365